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The Brave New World of Workplace Texting – And How to Manage It

The Brave New World of Workplace Texting – And How to Manage It

Instant messaging has earned its place in the workplace and – if done well – can boost efficiency, cut down on emails, and increase camaraderie. The communications team should encourage texting best practices by creating and enforcing ground rules. —— 6:50 am  12:07 pm  * Translation at end of article […]

Storytelling: Put all the pieces in place

Storytelling: Put all the pieces in place

If you’ve ever struggled to get your point across or worried that your presentations are utterly forgettable, you’re not alone. Trying to communicate effectively can sometimes feel like a jigsaw puzzle where none of the pieces seem to fit quite right. Successful storytelling works like the puzzle’s border: It forms […]

Make Sure Your Email Gets the Job Done

Make Sure Your Email Gets the Job Done

According to a 2023 study from Microsoft, office workers can spend up to 8.8 hours a week on email. Nearly everyone has an overflowing inbox, so it’s no wonder emails get quickly skimmed and sometimes even missed. Here are a few tips to make sure your emails are effective and get read. […]

4 Reasons AI Won’t Replace Communicators

4 Reasons AI Won’t Replace Communicators

Artificial Intelligence (AI)—specifically, the reigning AI darling ChatGPT—is everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. It’s been covered by major media and broadcast news. Many columns and explainers tell us how to use it and how creepy it can be. And then there are the gazillions of LinkedIn carousels highlighting ways […]

Hiring a Contractor? Read This First.

Hiring a Contractor? Read This First.

An interview with Communications expert Lauren LaFronz Choosing the right contractor to help with communications planning, writing, project management, and other initiatives isn’t easy. Your project’s success, and often your reputation, hinges on the contractor’s ability to consistently deliver their best work, on time and within budget. We spoke with […]

5 Content and Design Hacks That Will Make Your Message Stand Out

5 Content and Design Hacks That Will Make Your Message Stand Out

Information overload bogging you down? You’re not alone. That’s why, if you want your own communications to make an impact, you need to connect with your readers. That means creating concise, jargon-free, and actionable copy, whether you’re writing an email, a presentation, a newsletter or a social post. And the […]

For Valentine’s Day (and Every Day)… A Reminder to K.I.S.S.

For Valentine’s Day (and Every Day)… A Reminder to K.I.S.S.

By Laura Singer, Senior Communication Consultant We’re all familiar with the concept of K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid (or more politely, Keep It Short and Simple). We could add yet another variation: Keep It Short and Scannable. Information overload is relentless, with another whole set of messaging around the […]

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