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5 Tips to Help Employees Navigate Your High Deductible Health Plan

By Tammy Kleinman
Change Communication Consultant & Writer

Congratulations! You survived Annual Enrollment and your employees are participating in the High Deductible Health Plan. But do they know how to use it?

Share these 5 tips with employees to help them navigate the plan throughout the year:

Save Money on Taxes – 3 Ways
One of the best parts of a High Deductible Health Plan is the triple-tax benefit of the health savings account (HSA). You don’t pay taxes on contributions, investment earnings, or withdrawals for eligible health care expenses…even in retirement! That leaves more money in your pocket for things like prescription drugs and vision care. So start saving now for future health care costs.

Comparison Shop
High Deductible Health Plans are all about putting more control in the consumer’s hands. Remember, it’s your responsibility to research your options and find the most cost-effective care. But don’t go by price alone. Quality of care is also important.

To become a better consumer, you can research and interview doctors, and check online reports like and

Preventive Care Is a No-Brainer
Most High Deductible Health Plans cover preventive services at 100%, with no deductible. It just makes sense to schedule regular preventive health screenings and primary care visits—so you don’t incur higher costs down the road for untreated illnesses.

Invest the Balance
Most HSAs offer an investment option. Be sure to advantage of this extra way to help your money grow, tax-free, until you’re ready to spend it on health care expenses.

Get the Big Stuff Out of the Way Early
If you know you’re going to need surgery or a major procedure, schedule it early in the year. This way, if you need care later in the year, you’ll already have met the deductible, and the plan will start paying benefits sooner.

Communication Insight 

High Deductible Health Plans can be confusing to navigate—even for a seasoned health care consumer. Educating your employees about their benefits requires a deep understanding of your company’s offerings, a solid communication plan, and a year-round commitment.

Need help with your plan? Contact us.


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